Kao-Lu Product Brand was established in 1980 and is an undisputed leader in Asia in addressing Proportional Pressure and Flow Control.

In the first years concentrated on manufacturing the highest quality pressure and flow controllers for the Taiwanese market, becoming the best quality supplier for the Country.

In the last 20 years started to supply their products through International Sales network to many

Asian Countries. Now, in times of very high manufacturing costs in Europe and the USA,  Kao-Lu Brand has decided to offer its products to the entire world.

From now on, Kao-Lu product lines are offered in Central and Eastern Europe through the sales center located in Europe.  The customers will be serviced by the professional engineering staff located in Poland.

Of course, the customers may address their inquiries directly to the head office in Taiwan.

(e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).  

Kao-Lu products go through Strict Production and Quality Management with 40+ years of experience delivering high-quality, reliable parts.

A few years ago, Kao-Lu successfully addressed valves, pressure and flow controls for the medical field.

We are proud to introduce Kao Lu’s new business unit of electronic control units for medical equipment.